Disclaimer: This blog represents our personal views and does not represent the views of the United States government or the United States Peace Corps.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Heartwood Tree Farms, La Fortuna
The other morning we woke up at 4 a.m. to catch the tractor ride into La Fortuna Heartwood Farms to experience a day in the life of a "peon" a salaried worker. They earn a little less than $300.00 a month. The farm plants pine trees, clears the land as they grow, clear cuts for the wood and then replants. It is the largest and pretty much only employer in our area and has 79 employees.
Our ride into La Fortuna.
A pretty little stream along the way. Check out how muddy my boots are.
Arturo our host father with his newly aquired chainsaw. With our rent money he was able to purchase a chain saw which has almost doubled the family income. There are only 4 workers with chainsaws.
The 4 chainsaws chop up the big items and then crews of machete men chop the underbrush and push it to the sides with sticks to create rows to plant in.
One of the rows cleared and ready to plant. The underbrush is left to decompose.